Get up to 6000 $DESMOS

Sage Knight
3 min readOct 6, 2020


Desmos Incentives Testnets, October 2020 Upgrade

Hi belong is the way how you can connect to Desmos Network quickly

Before that if you still don’t have a server you can buy from Contabo, this one meet the specification needed, and also with the best price for a VM spec. in that class

First Act

Update & Upgrade the ubuntu
$ sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get install tmux

Download the Script
$ wget -O install-desmos-fullnode
$ chmod +x ./install-desmos-fullnode

Execute the script

Change the moniker
$ sudo nano ~/.desmosd/config/config.toml
This is just a string that will allow you to identify the validator you are running locally. It can be anything you want.
# Example
moniker = "Sage_Knight"

Checking the Persistent Peers
Still on the same file, after fill the moniker, go down with ‘down_arrow’,
and Locate the persistent_peers = "" text at line 164. Update its value to a node address of a peer. The format of a node address must be <node_id>@<node_ip_address>:<port>
# Example
persistent_peers = "7fed5624ca577eb0333d3631b5e4f16ba1736979@"
Input the value like in the example

Save the file Ctrl+o + Enter and exit the text editor with Ctrl+x

Running the script
Once you are ready to run the script, just execute:
./install-desmos-fullnode <PARAMETERS>
# Example
./install-desmos-fullnode Sage_Knight

Check and Monitor the Desmos node status

Check status of the node
Make sure the network is "morpheus-10000"
$ desmoscli status
"network": "morpheus-10000"

Check the Service is run and active
$ systemctl status desmosd
If not run
$ systemctl daemon-reload
$ systemctl start desmosd

Check the version listed is update
$ desmosd version --long
If it still not show min. to version: 0.12.1
$ rm $GOBIN/desmoscli
$ rm $GOBIN/desmosd
$ alias desmosd =~/.desmosd/cosmovisor/current/bin/desmosd
$ alias desmoscli =~/.desmosd/cosmovisor/current/bin/desmoscli

Monitor the running node
$ tmux new-session -s desmos
$ tail -100f /var/log/syslog
For go outside the tmux press
Ctrl+b & d
For go see the block execute again in tmux
$ tmux attach

Create Validator

Creating your address
$desmoscli keys add <key_name>
# Example
$desmoscli keys add Sage_Knight

If you have create the address before, but forgot try
$desmoscli keys show <your-key-name> --address
# Example
$desmoscli keys show Sage_Knight --address

This will return the associated address such as

Request Faucet
Go to and paste your just created address

Paste your address here and click Start for request some udaric

Check balance
$desmoscli query account <your_address>
# Example
$desmoscli query account desmos1gmu4uevcvwfcuu43yp27gcv4ngxuh9sxfpv3er

Get current Validator public key
$desmosd tendermint show-validator

Create your Validator
$desmoscli tx staking create-validator \
--amount="1000000udaric" \
--pubkey="$(desmosd tendermint show-validator)" \
--moniker="<Your moniker here>" \
--chain-id="<chain_id>" \
--commission-rate="0.10" \
--commission-max-rate="0.20" \
--commission-max-change-rate="0.01" \
--min-self-delegation="1" \
--gas="auto" \
--gas-adjustment="1.2" \
--gas-prices="0.025udaric" \

# Example
$desmoscli tx staking create-validator \
--amount="1000000udaric" \
desmosvalconspub1zcj..." \
--moniker="Sage_Knight" \
morpheus-10000" \
--commission-rate="0.10" \
--commission-max-rate="0.20" \
--commission-max-change-rate="0.05" \
--min-self-delegation="1" \
--gas="auto" \
--gas-adjustment="1.2" \
--gas-prices="0.025udaric" \

Edit the Validator description
$desmoscli tx staking edit-validator \
--moniker="choose a moniker" \
--website="" \
--identity="6A0D65E29A4CBC8E" \
--details="To infinity and beyond!" \
--commission-rate="0.20" \
--chain-id="<chain_id>" \

View the Validator’s information
$ desmoscli query staking validator <account_desmos>

# Example
$desmoscli query staking validator desmosvaloper1…
*You’ll get this “desmosvaloper1…” info when about to create your validator

Confirm your validator is running
Your validator is active if the following command returns anything
$ desmoscli query tendermint-validator-set | grep "$(desmosd tendermint show-validator)"

That’s it
You should now see your validator in the Desmos explorers here

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Thanks to Desmos



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