Connect with Mina Node to be able to share 66K Mina Tokens, now!

Sage Knight
7 min readOct 22, 2020


Hi back again with me, this time I will tell you how to connect to Mina Node, as you know Mina Protocol is running Genesis Grant Token, sharing their 66K genesis token to more than 1000 participants, one of them (the most) for those who participate by running Node, so see how to get the Mina Token share and how to connect to Mina Node below, happy learning

#What is the Mina Protocol

Mina — the lightest blockchain in the world, supported by participants. Previously had another name, which was later decided to relaunch under the name Mina due to a trademark lawsuit by R3, it was challenging, but as a result we were stronger. Read what our community has to say for R3:

We are one of the strongest and fastest growing blockchain communities, working to solve one of the most difficult problems in decentralized technology. We build blockchains that will and will always be 22kb in size, and believe in working in the open to get people in control of their lives. So, we introduced Mina the world’s lightest blockchain, powered by us, participants.

Mina offers an elegant solution using advanced cryptography and recursive zk-SNARKs, which effectively compress the blockchain. Participants in the protocol can generate evidence that the blockchain’s historical status is valid, and use SNARK proofs as a substitute for storing all blockchain data. This effectively reduces the blockchain size to the size of just a few tweets.

Over the last three years, our team together with our amazing community have launched and learned through several phases of the testnet. And now, finally, we are proud to introduce Mina to the wider world. Here, developers can build powerful apps like Snapps (SNARK powered app) to offer financial services without sacrificing data privacy and programmable money that anyone can access, trustlessly from their cell phone. And that’s just the beginning.

While there will still be challenges to come, the lightest and most accessible blockchain in the world is ready to be empowered by a new generation of participants.

It’s for a more efficient, elegant, and fair future — for all of us.

The Mina Grants program is only the first of many initiatives to democratize Mina’s development and growth.

For any questions regarding the program, send email to

#How to Register

1a Create Discord and join the group in …
1b Fill the Form;
.Experienced Level
.Heard the program from? News Article/Podcast
.Discord ID friend who refer? scraido#5056

1c There will be an email reply later; “Thank you for starting your application to join Genesis, Mina Protocol’s token program. When Mina’s mainnet launches later this year, Genesis founding members will each receive a distribution of 66,000 tokens. “

2 Follow

3a Buy a server at the market place, but if you have PayPal you can try to buy it at Contabo, this spec. is as what will be needed in the Next TestNets which is now 8 CORE and at a fairly cheap price/mo.

Note. Just a note that if you buy at the market place for a size of 8 CORE you can’t, you’ll get almost the same capital, but the balance can’t be used for ordering those 8 CORE specs., because 8 CORE VPS in Average costs $80, that’s also usually with perhour charge, so your balance decreases per hour, And that wouldn’t be happening if u use Contabo because it has monthly billing system and the price is very cheap about $24.45 and cheapest if you order 1Yrs for preparing the MINA Genesis Validator Node.

3b Connect your windows PC to the server with;
i. Gitbash software> download + install> run
$ ssh root@your.IPADDRESS -p 22> enter your password

ii. MobaXtreme > download + install > run
later you will be asked to create a Master Password
click session > SSH > enter the ip-address obtained on the remote host
enter root in your username > ok

3c Install Package for Generate Public key;


Note. copy the command per line ($), paste in Terminal without the ($) sign

3d then paste below command to Generate Public key;
later you will be asked to create a password
Password for new private key file:
Again to confirm:
Keypair generated
Public key: B62q …

4a Then inform your newly generated Public key in the following TestNets Form; TBA

4b There will be an email reply; “Thank you for filling out the Testnet Release x.x Signup”.

Note. If you changed your mind in the meantime and would like to opt out for staking and other technical challenges, then you can change your answer on the last question to “No”. A link for editing your submission is sent to your mailbox.”

5 Don’t forget to also join the forum;

#Minimum Specifications

Proc. 8vCPU
RAM. 12GB but if running SNARK then it needs RAM. 16GB
Kapasitas. 50GB HDD/SSD
Bandwidth. 1 Mbps

Note. These suggested upgrades in hardware requirements are only temporary (in every release), and do not reflect future hardware requirements for TestNets or MainNets.

#How to Connect with Mina Node

Once you have the Public key, just paste the following commands (without the ‘$’). In this TestNets, whether you have removed the old MINA installation or you still have it along with the Public key, you are still required to install and generate a new Public key (above, point 3a), for those who still have an old installation, upgrade it, see point #How to Upgrade below, then follow these steps which also apply to new installations;





The Mina protocol is unique in that it does not require nodes to maintain the full history of the blockchain like other cryptocurrency protocols. Using recursive cryptographic proofs, the Mina protocol effectively compresses the blockchain to a constant size. We call this compression, because it reduces terabytes of data to a few kilobytes.

However, this is not data coding or compression in the traditional sense — rather nodes “compress” the data in the network by producing cryptographic proof. Node operators play an important role in this process by designating themselves as “snark-workers” generating zk-SNARKs for transactions that have been added to the block.

You can start snark-worker using this command:

But because Worker uses up all your CPU cores 100%, and has a negative impact on block builders. You can use Scripts that allow you to stop Snark Worker 3 minutes before a block is produced and restart it after 10 minutes. This script is useful for those running Block Producer and Snark Worker on the same server.


Note. Before running SNARK-Stopper, you must first run the SNARK-Worker

This script was created by user DISCORD @whataday2day#1271
For more SNARK-stopper options, see note on Challenge#2

#How to Create Token



1 If you stop a node, besides stopping, the wallet will also lock again, therefore use the main command, which is to run the daemon first, check sync, check unlock, then send tx / staking
2 Command to export data so that it can be called by echo, must be repeated if you run it in tmux mode or vice versa, so it’s better to kept it in ~/.profile
3 Backup your Public key, Backup immediately with Download the wallet-file, If it’s in /root/;
$ scp root@your.IPADDRESS:/root/keys/my-wal* ~/downloads/keybackup

* remember you have to create a new directory in your PC downloads folder, called the keybackup folder (in the example above)
* your.IPADDRESS is filled according to your VPS IP Address

If it’s in the username, for example, you create the username mina /home/mina/;
$ scp mina@your.IPADDRESS:/home/mina/keys/my-wal* ~/downloads/keybackup


1 Challenges will become available at launch of TestNets and completing them will earn you TestNets points* in the Testnet leaderboard. After TestNets is over, we would like to welcome more new members to Genesis. Each Founding Member of Genesis received 66000 tokens at the launch of the mainnet.
2 To successfully generate blocks, you need a good amount of uptime — your nodes must be online and connected to TestNets (if not 24/7, as much as you can) for 2 weeks in the TestNets release.
3 If you are not actively staking to generate blocks and participate, your Stake Token will be re-delegated to members who are on the waitlist for the TestNets release. After that you can still participate in community challenges.
4 You are required to send transactions within 48 hours of the TestNets launching, and have generated at least one block within 5 days of the TestNets launching.

#How to Upgrade


#How to Restart

This step is done if there is an update chain. If not, use the #Soft Restart method. After doing the #Upgrade method above, continue;


#Soft Restart


#How To Remove

When you have installed Mina Node and have a Public key, to connect to the new TestNets, you will need $SEED. Because of $SEED needed to connect to the Mina network will be different for each TestNets, so you can temporarily remove the Mina Node installation with;



But don’t forget to backup the my-wallet & file first.

Okay guys that is a glimpse of how to register in the Mina Genesis Token Program and one of the ways to get it, is by running the Mina Node.

That’s all from me, hopefully useful, Thank you very much for reading this article, Success Always and #StaySave



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